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About Fire Ants

About Fire Ants

Fire ants are aggressive insects known for their major defensive feature, painful stings. The fire ants include the native and imported species. Red imported fire ants are the major imported fire ant in the US. This fire ant is one of the most aggressive and disliked insects.


Fire ants are reddish to yellowish ants. The length of these ants ranges from 1 to 5 mm. The fire ant is a genus of ants. The members of this genus include the native fire ant and the red imported fire ant. The reddish-brown red imported fire ants are the most notorious members of the fire ant genus.


The ants are popular for their painful sting which can cause an allergic reaction. Fire ants are found in tropical regions as well as temperate regions. The temperate regions where fire ants are found include North America. Central America and South America are some of the tropical regions where the ants are found.

Fire ants nest in indoor and outdoor environments. Their mounds are found in outdoor areas such as cemeteries, yards, and parks. They could also nest in athletic fields. The red imported fire ants enter indoor spaces during the colder months. Their preferred indoor nesting locations include underneath bathtubs and close to hot water heaters.

The southern fire ants prefer to nest outdoors, within loose soils. They may also nest in masonry or woodwork as well as under houses and stones and within cracks. When indoors, the southern fire ants nest in utility boxes and void spaces. The nests of fire ants are semi-permanent mounds with open craters for ventilation.

As hardy insects, fire ants can build mounds in any kind of environment. They also build mounds within buildings. The mounds can be as tall as 18 to 24 inches. Although they can survive in a wide range of environments, fire ants thrive best in open spaces and prefer to build their mounds in open spaces.

Fire ants are active foragers. They feed on different food materials including live and dead animals. As aggressive insects, they attack other insects and kill them for food. They also live off of sources of proteins and sweets. Such food sources attract them to invade new environments.

The ants communicate by sounds as well as secretions. Stridulation is the process by which ants communicate with sounds, making the sounds by hitting different body parts against themselves. The adult worker ants are known for their aggressive behavior. They sting when their mounds are disturbed. The young ants are not as aggressive as the adults. Thus, they play dead as part of their strategies of surviving attacks to their colonies.

Damage they cause

Fire ants are both destructive and nuisance insects. All kinds of fire ants sting intruders, including humans. The sting of fire ants can cause allergic reactions which could be lethal. The ants also cause damage to plants and buildings. Fire ants especially damage telephone wires and air-conditioning units. The red imported fire ants are especially attracted to sources of electricity. Red imported fire ants were first introduced into the US in the 1930s.

Because of the extensive damage they can cause, it is important for infestations to be identified and managed effectively. Allergic reactions should also be treated as emergencies. Symptoms of allergic reactions caused by fire ant bites include swelling, shortness of breath, and thickening of the tongue.

Signs of infestation

The mounds of fire ants give away their presence. The ants forage and the workers are typically found around the mounds. 

Another notable feature of these insects is their painful sting. However, it is not advisable to use the sting to identify an infestation. Red imported fire ants may belong to single-queen or multiple-queen colonies. Workers in multiple-queen colonies are not as territorial as those of single-queen territories. While the single-queen colonies will build about 50 mounds per acre, the multiple-queen colonies could build up to 200 mounds per acre.