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Guide on bed bug traps and sprays

Guide On Bed Bug Traps And Sprays

Over the years, evolution has made bed bugs able to thrive in almost every climate condition known to man. However, the bed bug species we are familiar with is the Cimex lectularius. You can find this bed bug species in areas with temperate regions. Traps and sprays are effective methods of getting rid of bed bugs. Sprays help in terminating bugs instantly, but traps can serve an entirely different purpose. Trapping a bed bug means that you have concrete evidence to present to your landlord, caretaker, or hotel manager. It also helps medical workers diagnose bite reactions.


Bed bug sprays are simply high-end pesticides designed to kill any bed bug that comes into direct contact with it. You can buy different types of sprays designed for different purposes at your local store. There are different sprays to choose from, and it all depends on your personal taste because they all work the same. The problem with bed bug sprays is that they do not offer a one-time solution. This is because it kills only bugs that come into direct contact with it. Bugs hiding in cracks and crevices are rather safe; hence, your application needs to be repetitive to produce better results.

spray for bed bugs


Since bed bugs are wingless, they rely majorly on their ability to crawl to move around your home or office. On longer trips, their ability to cling unto things helps them move. One way of getting rid of bed bugs, if you want something to present to your property owner or a medical worker, is to use live traps. There are two types of traps; the passive trap and the active trap. Each of them has unique characteristics that make them suitable for different use.

Passive Traps

The whole working principle behind passive traps is to catch the bed bugs as they leave their hiding spots. You can simply rub the legs of your bed frame with petroleum jelly or attach double-sided tape to it. The bugs stick to it and remain immobile until you remove them. While you can employ these DIY methods, passive traps are available in local stores for $25 per set of four. These traps are bowl-shaped traps that you set at the foot of your bed. Each set comes with two bowls, one inside the other. The idea is that incoming bugs will get trapped by the sticky outer bowl while fleeing bugs will enter the inner bowl.

bed bugs in trap

Active Traps

While passive traps operate by targeting the bed bugs as they come out of hiding, active traps work by drawing in the bed bugs. These tricky contraptions emit a tiny amount of CO2 and heat. The CO2 and body heat emitted by warm-blooded animals are what attract bed bugs. The bugs attracted to the trap crawl up a small, inclined surface. The insides of the trap are smooth, and the bugs are unable to escape once inside. The active traps are significantly more expensive than passive traps, but their efficiency is worth every penny. Active traps cost around $40-$400, and buying one means you will be able to sleep undisturbed.

bed bug bowl trap

The problem with traps and sprays is that they do not provide long-lasting treatment. The best option is to invite a professional pest control agent to handle the situation. They are trained and have all the equipment needed to eliminate bed bugs.