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How to get rid of a hornet nest

How to get rid of a hornet nest

If hornets have decided to invade your living space, you need to work as fast as you can to get rid of them before they become a danger to you or someone in your household. A hornet sting hurts and they don’t just sting once, like a wasp; they sting until they can’t get to you anymore. If they are near the house and someone comes to visit that is allergic to bees, this could be dangerous because it takes just minutes for the venom from their stinger to enter the bloodstream, causing a reaction that in some cases can be fatal.

When you see a hornet lurking around and find their nest nearby, here are a few ways to get rid of it.

Method #1: Spray the nest and remove it

Hornets will build their nest where they can find shelter from the weather. This could be hanging from a branch of a tree, under the eaves of your home or building, or on a window. Once you find the nest, you will want to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Remember, they are out buzzing around working all day long so if you spray the nest during the day, you can bet there are a few that are still out flying around and they sense the danger and will come back and either catch you taking down their home or they will come back to find that their home is gone and begin building a new one immediately.

Buy some over-the-counter hornet insecticide spray at your local store. Wait until night time and then spray the hornets’ nest until the can is empty. Leave it alone until the next day and observe to see if any of the hornets are flying around it.

If not, you can knock it down to the ground and remove it from the yard as quickly as possible. Use a rake or something that will allow you to carry the nest a safe distance away from your body in case you were wrong and some are still alive. The insecticide makes it difficult for them to move if they are still alive.

Method #2: Bag up the nest and dispose of it

If you notice a hornet nest dangling from a low tree branch, you will want to wait until night time and cut the branch down close to the nest. Make sure that it falls into the bag. You will want to cut down the branch quickly so make sure that the trimmers are fully functional before you begin. Once the hornets feel that something is going on, they will most likely try to come out and attack.

That is why you need to do this as quickly as possible. Once the nest drops into the bag, close it and dispose of it. You can burn the nest instead if you choose to. If either of these methods do not work, you may want to consider contacting a professional for further advice or to schedule an appointment to have them remove the hornet nest for you.