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What are some different types of spider repellents?

What are some different types of spider repellents?

Spiders instantly repel most people. The two main things that come to mind upon encountering a spider are; how do I squash it and how do I flee as far away as possible? Read on to learn about the different types of repellents found on the market today.

You can use many natural and artificial types of spider repellents to control and manage spider populations within your living spaces.

Types of Spider Repellents

The different types of spider repellents available on the market today are either natural or synthetic.

Natural Repellents

Natural repellents are highly effective, and they’ve been helping humans fight off spiders for thousands of years with excellent results.

Herbs and Oils

Nature has gifted us with many readily-available spider repelling essential oils and precious herbs. Ready for a trial?

Well, crush and dry the following herbs and oils to make potent concoctions capable of instantly killing all spiders and their eggs as well.

  • Citronella
  • Peppermint
  • Lavender
  • Cinnamon
  • Tea Tree
  • Eucalyptus
  • Cedar
  • Citrus

Alternatively, you can go online to order the latest herbal pest repellents for spiders from trusted retailers. Don’t forget to read on the reviews of the seller. Reading will help reduce future regret of your repellent’s efficiency.

Plant Repellents

You can also use a spider-repelling plant to deter spider invasions. There are plenty of plants whose extracts can help you keep spiders away from your property. These include:

  • Lemongrass
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lemon verbena
  • Mint
  • Lavender

Cinnamon and cedar mulch are other examples of efficient spider repelling plants you should try out.


Place these in strategic places where spiders are fond of inhabiting. Such areas include, under furniture, on windowsills, and on door corners. After such an exercise, you’ll permanently keep the spiders away.

Sticky Insect Traps

Many pest control experts believe that glue traps are, without a doubt, the most efficient way to get rid of spiders. Place these non-toxic sticky traps anywhere in your living spaces suspected to host spiders. It could be at the basement, attics, on firewood heaps, or in your gardens, and watch as the spider populations start to decline.

Placing these traps is quite a straightforward process that only takes a couple of minutes. Glue traps are available at most hardware stores, but you can also get them online. 


Saline mixtures are highly recommended for killing spiders around your home. Saltwater is a perfect pest control remedy that doesn’t cost you a dime. Spray the saline solution directly on the invaders to kill them.

In Conclusion

Repellents are the best way to eliminate spiders like the black widow, brown recluse, tarantula, or hobo in your sheds, garages, basements, and attics. There exist many different types of natural and synthetic repellents out there. Some natural repellents are easily made in our home kitchens, while others are commercially available. Learn how to make these natural pest control remedies and avoid the use of harmful insecticides that often cause allergies and asthmatic reactions.

Most non-venomous spiders are fond of hitchhiking on people’s clothes and other personal belongings to access our indoor spaces. It would help if you always scrutinize your clothes and other baggage after visiting outdoor spaces like camping grounds. If possible, don’t kill the spiders; instead, carefully take them outside and destroy their web. Inspect for eggs, and egg sac remains and destroy them too.