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What damage can termites cause?

According to several estimations, it’s been discovered that damages caused by the activities of termites amount to billions of dollars annually in the United States. This clearly shows the extent to which these insects can wreak havoc on your home if they get the chance to. 

Termites primarily feed on anything that contains cellulose and they won’t hesitate to devour anything that might be a source of food to them. And in most cases, their main targets are usually trees, shrubs, books, home insulations, and logs of wood.

Although these insects play major roles in the ecosystem and are ecologically beneficial to humanity, termites are a major menace to human settlements and they ought to be eradicated immediately if they are noticed.

Do you feel your home has already been infested by termites and you want to know what they are capable of and the level of damages they could cause in your home? Read on to find out exactly what damage termites can cause.

Damage to the wall

If the wall of your home is made of wooden frames, then the wall of your home will most likely be infested by termites. This part of your home is among their favorite hiding spots and a good place to get all the cellulose they need to develop their colony. When termites attack the walls of your house, they eat the wood internally. This behavior makes it very difficult for anyone to notice their presence until the damage is done.

Some of the obvious signs of a wall damaged by termites are loose wooden paneling, dusty particles on the surface of the wall, and irregular texture.

Carpet infestation

Termites will never stay around if there is no source of food and the place in your home with an abundance of wood is the flooring of your home. If you have a termite infestation at hand, the place they are most likely going to target is the floor of your home.

To remain concealed, they stay hidden under the carpet of your home and devour it from underneath.

Being a close place with moist soil and availability of humid conditions, the colony there grows at a very fast rate and the termites increase rapidly in number. When you have termites on the floor of your home, it might take years before you get to know of their presence.

termite holes

Roof infestation

Another place you might notice severe termite damage is the roof of your home. This part of your home is very susceptible to termite damage and often the target for every colony of termites that might want exclusive access to dry wood. The damages caused by termites are also usually very severe.

Other signs of termite damage

Noticing any obvious sign that you have termites in your home clearly shows that termites already infested your house years ago and the signs you are just getting to notice now is as a result of the extensive damages of the termites. Some of the signs you are most likely going to notice if you have a termite problem at hand include:

  • Hollow sounds will be made whenever you tap the surface of wood damaged by termites. The sound is usually more obvious if you tap it with a heavy object.
  • When you notice a particular portion of your painted wall getting bubbles and peeling off.
  • When you notice several tiny entry holes running through the edges of your wall. These are usually in the form of a tunnel with multiple holes.
  • If it’s a subterranean termite, you might notice brown stains on the wall. These stains are usually a result of the movement of these species of termites who are always in contact with the soil. This particular sign is quite difficult to notice.
  • When you notice signs of buckling on your walls and ceilings.
  • Consistent water damage across different parts of the home.
  • The design of maze patterns on different wood in and around the house.
  • Seeing swarms of termites or the detached wings of termites around your house, most especially during spring.

Irrespective of the signs you notice, you need to understand the fact that termites are very dangerous, and having them around for too long will jeopardize the structural integrity of your building. Also, with termites not only is the structure of your house at risk, but your flooring, carpeting, and furniture are also at risk.


When it comes to prevention, the best you can do is to hire a professional which can help inspect your home to help identify any possible signs of infestation. Professionals are in a better place to help you access the current state of things in your house. Only by regular inspection and early identification can you prevent termite infestations in your house.