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Why are bees attracted to my property?

Why are bees attracted to my property?

As beneficial as the activity of bees can be, their presence on a property can also be unwanted. Bees are both beneficial insects and unwanted pests. When they infest your property, they can put occupants at risk of stings and possible allergic reactions. Keeping bees out of your property involves making it as unattractive as possible to them. In this article, we consider what attracts bees to your property and how to make your property unattractive to them.


Bees particularly feed on sugary substances. They feed on nectar and other sugary substances like honey and royal jelly. Because sugar is a major part of the diet of the critters, they will be attracted to your property if it has sugary substances and exudes a sugary smell.

This is why it is recommended that all sugary food and substances are properly sealed to avoid bee infestations. Bees will maximize the smallest entry points as long as they have detected sources of sugar within and around your property.

We should mention that items such as hair products, lotions, and perfumes with a likelihood of saccharine in them can also attract bees. It is also noteworthy that unoccupied beehives can also attract bees to a property. The smell of the residue of the honey from the hive attracts the bees.


Bees are especially attracted to properties with a lot of flowering plants. This is because flowers and flowering plants are sources of nectar and pollen. The nectar and pollen make up a significant part of the diet of bees. They make honey from nectar. The larvae of honey bees feed majorly on honey. They also produce beebread from the mixture of pollen and nectar. Beebread is a major component of the diet of the larvae of different kinds of bees.

If you have a lot of flowers on your property, it will be more appealing to the critters. You cannot exactly remove all flowers and flowering plants from your property in a bid to keep bees away. However, you can ensure that the location of the flowers does not make it easy for the bees to settle on your property. Remove flowers from areas that could make good nesting sites for them. You could also avoid growing brightly colored flowers that especially attract bees. Such flowers include poppies and clovers.

Colors and patterns

Colors and patterns attract bees to properties. This is true for flowers and basic things such as clothing. As mentioned above, brightly colored plants and flowers attract bees. Research has shown that they prefer colors like yellow, blue, and purple. Research has also established that bees are drawn to symmetry. A combination of symmetrical patterns and bright colors will definitely attract bees. Look out for these patterns and colors and make your property less appealing to the pests.

As mentioned above, brightly colored plants and flowers attract bees. Research has shown that they prefer colors like yellow, blue, and purple. Research has also established that bees are drawn to symmetry. A combination of symmetrical patterns and bright colors will definitely attract bees. Look out for these patterns and colors and make your property less appealing to the pests.

Nesting sites

If your property has abundant bee nesting sites, they will find it more appealing and eventually visit. Bees nest in areas such as tree hollows, boxes, and other manmade structures. Grills, sheds, and treehouses make suitable nesting sites for bees. Make any possible nesting site inaccessible to the critters to prevent infestations.