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Pest Information is a non-profit organization, offers pest control resources, as well as bug and insect pictures, information, facts, and more.

About Groundhogs

Appearance The groundhog is a lowland animal that belongs to the same family as ground squirrels. They are sometimes called woodchucks, ground pigs, or Canada marmot. They are one of the 14 species of marmots and the largest of the squirrel family. Groundhogs are short animals, with lengths between 40 and 70 cm (16.4 to […]

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About Bats

Appearance Bats (Chiroptera) are the only mammals capable of ‘true’ flight. They do so with their large, fleshy wings stretching from wrists to hind limbs. Their wings are their most identifiable feature. Not only do their wings give them away; they have short snouts, large ears, and prominent beady black eyes in front of their

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About Voles

Appearance Voles are active both in the day and at night. Peak activity is usually during dusk and dawn. Many species of voles swim excellently and even reach depths of 50 feet under the water. Voles live in colonies but can be monogamous or polygamous depending on some environmental conditions. Their population growth is exponential,

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About Raccoons

Appearance Raccoons (Procyon lotor) are medium-sized mammals and are the largest members of the procynoi family. They are distinct by their bandit-like markings on their face (contrasting black fur around the face), together with a bandit-like behavior. Raccoons have a thick greyish coat that consists of dense underfur, which helps to protect it from frigid

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About Opossums

Appearance Opossums (Didelphidae) are the largest marsupials in the Western hemisphere. Generally, they are small to medium sizes marsupials that can grow to the size of a house cat. These creatures have hairless ears and a long snout that slopes down their face taking the shape of a cone. The end of their snouts reveals

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What are the differences between male and female mosquitoes?

What are the differences between male and female mosquitoes? Mosquitoes are generally unfriendly pests that should never be welcomed into any neighborhood. Even though the pests are generally unwelcome, their sexes play a major role in determining the danger they pose. You probably know that the female mosquitoes are responsible for spreading a lot of

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