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What attracts mosquitoes?

What attracts mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are not the average pests. They carry serious diseases and are indirectly responsible for millions of disease cases yearly. They also depend directly on humans for their food and don’t mind adapting their features and lifestyle patterns so that they can live close to humans.

Mosquito control and prevention should include all measures to keep the bloodsuckers away. Such measures could include the removal of attractants, the focus of this article. We highlight the attractants of mosquitoes in this article. By keeping the attractants of mosquitoes to the most minimal level, you will definitely reduce the population of the critters. Here are the attractants of mosquitoes.


Mosquitoes feed on plant material that are sources of sugar. Such plant materials include the nectar of flowers. Nectar is a major food source for mosquitoes. The male mosquitoes can survive solely on nectar as blood is not a mandatory component of their diet.

Because nectar is a major source of food for many genera and species of mosquitoes, if you have a lot of flowers on your property, it will be more attractive to mosquitoes.


Plants can attract the critters to your property. The plants that will attract mosquitoes to your property are those with trough and pocket-like structures where water can be stored. The water in these structures will serve as breeding sites for mosquitoes. If an area has suitable breeding sites for mosquitoes, it will encourage the establishment of large populations in no time.

Standing water

Standing water is another important attractant of mosquitoes. The different types of mosquitoes can lay their eggs in standing water. This is why all forms of standing water are attractants to the critters. Standing water can be collected in all kinds of materials, including old tires and empty toys, to mention a few. As long as there is any form of standing water on your property, mosquitoes will move in. This is why all possible natural and artificial sources of standing water should be removed.

In this regard, unclogging clogged gutters is an important part of keeping mosquitoes off your property. Anything that can hold water should be removed to discourage the activities of the blood-suckers.

Tall grass

Tall grass provides the shade that mosquitoes need to stay in an area. If your property has tall grass, do well to keep them trimmed to keep the critters away. The grass gives them a place to hide from the sun during the day, making them more comfortable about staying back on your property.


Humans generally attract mosquitoes, and this is why they live close to humans. Still, they are not attracted to all humans at the same level. The factors that influence the affinity of mosquitoes to humans include heat production, sweat, smell, and color of clothing.

They are drawn to heat and sweat production. Mosquitoes are also attracted to the right human clothing. Mosquitoes will go where they believe they are wanted. This is why properties and areas with a lot of attractants hold a large population. Getting rid of mosquitoes and reducing their population in an area involves identifying attractants and removing them.