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About mosquito bites

About mosquito bites

Mosquitoes are blood-sucking insects that feed on the blood of humans and other vertebrates. They puncture the skin of the host to suck the blood with mouthparts adapted for this purpose. Mosquitoes bite to be able to suck the blood of their hosts. In this article, we consider mosquito bites in detail.

After mosquitoes pierce the skin of their hosts to suck blood, bumps, which are typically itchy appear. These bumps are mosquito bites and they occur as a result of the piercing action.

Mosquito bites present in different forms. It could just be itchy and clear up after a few days. It could cause an allergic reaction. It can also lead to the transmission of deadly diseases such as the Zika virus.


Mosquito bites may be the only indication of the fact that mosquitoes took a blood meal from you. Here are the symptoms and signs of mosquito bites:

  • Puffy bump, which could be reddish or whitish, typically appearing a few minutes after the mosquito took the blood meal.
  • After a day or few days, the bump becomes hard, reddish-brown, and itchy. Multiple bumps could also appear after a few days.
  • Small blisters developing out of the hard bumps.
  • Dark bruise-like spots.

These are the basic signs of mosquito bites in healthy persons with a strong immune system. In persons with a weak or compromised immune system, the signs and symptoms of mosquito bites differ, and they include:

  • Hives
  • Swelling and redness in a large area of skin
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Low-grade fever

How do mosquitoes bite?

The female mosquito uses her mouthparts to pierce the skin of the host to collect a blood meal. This occurs because the female needs the protein in the blood to be able to produce eggs that develop into adult mosquitoes.

As mosquitoes bite the host, they release their saliva. The saliva has components that include anticoagulants. The components of the saliva are typically responsible for the bumps. The adverse reactions occur because of the compromised immune system. 

The typical response to mosquitoes taking a blood meal, bumps, occurs because the immune system is strong enough to combat the allergic reaction to the components of the saliva of the mosquitoes.

As mosquitoes take a blood meal, they could pick up deadly diseases. After the pathogens are fully developed, mosquitoes can also deposit them to uninfected hosts when taking another blood meal.

Thus, mosquito bites could result in the transmission of deadly diseases like malaria, the Zika virus, and West Nile virus. The different diseases which mosquitoes carry could lead to fatal consequences.

General infections could also occur from mosquito bites. That happens when one scratches the bumps. The bumps usually have a kind of entry point at the center. Scratching will widen that opening, allowing infections to occur. Instead of scratching, take an antihistamine for relief from the scratching. You should also wash the site and apply ice for swelling relief.

Mosquitoes will bite as often as they need blood and the skin of possible hosts are available. Prevention and proper control of infestation are thus important for managing mosquito bites and preventing them.