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Can a mosquito bite through my clothes?

Can a mosquito bite through my clothes?

Mosquitoes should be taken very seriously as pests capable of causing a lot of damage. They spread a lot of deadly diseases through their bites. They also like to live close to humans to maintain an important source of food, blood. Applying different measures for the prevention and control of a mosquito infestation as well as avoiding bites is important for staying safe from the deadly bloodsuckers.

Because mosquitoes actively seek out humans for their blood meals, the choice of clothes can influence susceptibility to bites. In this article, we consider whether mosquitoes can bite through clothes and how clothes can be applied in the prevention of mosquito bites.

Can mosquitoes pierce clothing?

Mosquitoes have long, sharp mouthparts that can pierce through the skin. They also apply the mouthparts to pierce through different kinds of clothing materials. So, yes, mosquitoes can pierce clothing.

The ability of mosquitoes to pierce clothing, however, is dependent on the type of clothing. Some clothing can be pierced much easier than others. Spandex, voile, and gauze are some of the clothing types that can be easily pierced by mosquitoes. Clothing materials on the other end of the spectrum, not easily pierced by mosquitoes include denim, velvet, and tight-knit wool. We should also mention the role the shape and fit of clothes play in offering protection from mosquito bites. 

Close-fitting or skintight clothes give mosquitoes easy access to the skin. The opposite is the case for loose-fitting clothes. The shape of clothes can make the skin more accessible as seen with loose pants as well as clothes with bell sleeves and loose necklines. The role of the color of clothing in attracting mosquitoes is also important. Mosquitoes are typically drawn to sources of heat. Dark clothing holds back heat as opposed to light-colored clothing. 

Thus, mosquitoes will detect more heat from persons wearing dark-colored clothing and be attracted to them than persons wearing light-colored clothing.

Generally, clothes that are longer offer more protection against mosquito bites than shorter clothes. This is why long-sleeved shirts and trousers are go-to clothing items for when spending time in areas with a heavy mosquito presence.

To answer the initial question: yes, mosquitoes can bite through your clothes. However, you can choose your clothes specifically to reduce access to mosquitoes. Wearing the right clothing can be the extra measure you take to protect yourself from the deadly insects. Since the activity of mosquitoes differs according to the period, you should pay more attention to your clothing choices during the periods of highest mosquito activity.