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When are mosquitoes most active?

When are mosquitoes most active? When do they sleep?

Mosquitoes love to live around human environments and will always seek ways to survive around humans. Thus, humans have to manage the population of these deadly pests by strategically applying information about them. The time during which mosquitoes are most active can be applied in managing infestations and controlling the populations of mosquitoes. In this article, we consider when mosquitoes are most active and when they sleep.

We should begin by establishing the fact that the behavioral patterns of mosquitoes vary according to their species. All mosquitoes are not most active at the same time. You would need to know the type of mosquitoes in your area to apply their behavioral patterns to control them.

Knowing the period of activity is especially important for staying safe from the mosquitoes that spread deadly diseases. Those mosquitoes are the Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles mosquitoes, the commonest mosquito species that spread diseases. Even with the general assumption that mosquitoes are most active at night, the period of activity, even amongst the top three disease-carrying types, differs.

Mosquitoes could be nocturnal. The nocturnal species of mosquitoes include the Culex mosquito. Culex mosquitoes are responsible for spreading West Nile fever. West Nile fever could manifest as a serious form that could be fatal.

The nocturnal mosquitoes are active during the night and sleep during the day. Culex tarsalis, one of the species of nocturnal mosquitoes, begin to look for secluded places to sleep as soon as the day comes.

Some mosquitoes are active during the day and sleep at night. Mosquitoes like those belonging to the Aedes genus are more active and bite during the day. These mosquitoes are known to be aggressive too. Aedes mosquitoes spread diseases such as the Zika virus, dengue virus, and chikungunya. Asian tiger mosquitoes are also more active and bite during the day. When they rest at night, they prefer resting in outdoor than indoor areas.

It is noteworthy that species like Aedes aegypti are active during the day as well as at night. Thus, they can sleep whenever they wish.

Anopheles mosquitoes are other kinds of mosquitoes that are active during the day and night. The period of highest activity of Anopheles mosquitoes include dusk, dawn, and night. Anopheles mosquitoes are the infamous carriers of malaria, responsible for millions of infections globally.

We should mention the effect of overall climatic conditions in influencing the activity of mosquitoes. They are more active in humid, warmer climates. As the temperatures drop, the activity of mosquitoes also reduces. Some mosquitoes hibernate during winter. They hibernate by resting in secluded places such as caves and basements, maintaining a dormant state.

Some species of Culex and Anopheles mosquitoes hibernate during winter. Mosquitoes that hibernate during winter typically lay eggs during this period to protect their populations. That way, as the adults die during winter, more eggs will develop into adults to replace the population.

The period when mosquitoes are most active is when they bite and spread diseases. Knowing this period will help prevent their bites and apply suitable control measures.