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Common Places Bed Bugs Will Hide

Common Places Bed Bugs Will Hide

Bed bugs, as their name suggests, are bugs that live on or very close to beds. They feed primarily on the blood of warm-blooded animals, living within 8 feet of their prey’s resting place. Bed bugs are mainly active at night, so the last thing anybody wants to think about is the possibility of an infestation growing out of sight.

Bed bugs do not care whether their environment is filthy or clean. They do not care whether they are out in public or in a secluded environment. As long as the conditions are favorable, they will survive and thrive. However, bed bugs will thrive better in clustered spaces. This is because there are plenty of hiding spots, making bed bug eradication a bit difficult. Bed bugs feed, grow, and birth while having multiple hiding spots.

In the absence of disturbance, where bed bugs lay refuge is solely dependent on the availability of food. They are attracted to the body heat and CO2 emitted by warm-blooded animals, and humans are their favorite hosts.

Below is a guide to common places bed bugs hide.

  • Suitcases

If you stay in a room where there are bed bugs, there is a high chance of you carrying one home. Bed bugs can go for months without food, so when you travel next, make sure you are extra careful. Avoid placing your suitcase near the bed. Instead, place it on a rack, in the bathroom, or in your car. An unzipped suitcase is an open invitation for bed bugs. They will hide between the seams and in the different pockets.

  • Clothes

Bed bugs will attach themselves to your clothes, and if you are not careful enough, you will transport them to another location. To kill any bugs hiding in your fabric, wash and dry using high heat for about 30 minutes.

  • Used Furniture

They often harbor bed bugs since they might have been in an infested place. Used chairs and couches are prime examples of where to find bed bugs. They will hide between the joints, cushions, as well as cracks in the furniture.

  • Bed

This is bed bug prime real estate. They hide between the seams and under the bed. They also hide on the sides of the bed frame, waiting for nighttime where they will come out to feed.

  • Walls

Bed bugs will hide in cracks in your walls to avoid extermination. If you notice any, run your vacuum cleaner along the area to trap them. Seal them in a bag and dispose of them properly.

  • Transportation media

This is a great hiding spot for bed bugs and is one of the means with which they spread. Most passengers on buses, trains, cabs, and planes do not check their surroundings before sitting down. Therefore, a person carrying bed bugs might leave some behind in a seat prior to your sitting down.

  • Schools and Libraries

The rate at which bed bugs infest schools and libraries is constantly increasing. Students, staff, and visitors bring them into these areas, and there are many hiding places for them. Parents should check their children for signs of bed bugs once they return from school. Staff and visitors should also check to make sure they are not carrying them.

  • Office building

Although not a common hiding spot for bed bugs, it is possible for them to hide in an office building. Unsuspected workers might bring into the office the bed bugs from their houses or from a transport source. There, they can hide between desks, walls, electronics, chairs, elevators, and other places. The best thing to do in this situation to avoid bringing them home is to place your personal belongings in a plastic bag. Remember to wash and dry your clothes immediately when you get home.

  • Stores

Bed bugs can have access and set up residence in retail stores because they are excellent hitchhikers. These bugs may enter through a shopper’s bag, purse, clothes, or other personal belongings. Once inside, they scurry off and hide in the vast expanse that is the store. Although bed bugs infesting stores is an uncommon occurrence, it does not stop it from happening. To be extra careful, inspect every item you purchase before taking it home. You can go a step further by washing new clothes and drying them under extreme heat.