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DIY Ant Removal – Home Remedies For Ant Control

DIY Ant Removal

While it’s important to properly remove ants by calling a professional, you can sometimes get by on your own. You’ll be able to remove ants with nothing but your wits, some hard work, and a few tools here and there.

Finding the Source of the Problem

Searching the area is always the first step of pest removal. By looking around, you’ll be able to find the location of their nest. This may not seem like much progress, but it’ll be crucial for later steps.
While trying to find their nests, you should keep an eye out for the pathways they use to get inside your home. Be on the lookout for any holes in your walls, and make sure to check for any wood that’s starting to rot. You should check out all the common entry points, like doors, windows, or your kitchen.

Sealing Off Your Home

In most cases, an ant’s nest will be in your lawn. They’ll only be coming into your home in search of food. That’s why you should work on sealing off all their little entries.
You’ll have to plug up all those holes you’ve found around your home. It’s best if you get the necessary material to fully replace any damaged surfaces. Yet you can sometimes get by with duct-tape. This is far from being a permanent solution, but using tape can create an air-tight barrier that’ll be a struggle for ants to get through.

boiling water down anthill

Removing Food Sources

Once you’ve sealed up your home, you’ll start seeing a lot fewer ants. Unfortunately, this usually isn’t enough to completely remove the ants. To do that, you should work towards removing any and all food sources in your home. This may sound like a lot of hard work, but it’s actually pretty easy. You just have to do some regular cleaning and maintenance to remove all food sources. This means vacuuming your home to get rid of any loose crumbs, spraying hard surfaces with cleaning products and wiping them off, and storing food in airtight containers.

Homemade Repellents

Repellents are another great way to keep ants out for good. Thankfully there are a lot of great ones that you can find in your own kitchen. You can choose to combine water and vinegar. Spraying this solution will erase any trails the ants have left for themselves. The strong smell will also irritate these insects and send them sprawling back home. You could also opt to use salt. This simple spice will dehydrate any nearby ants. Without enough water to keep going, you’ll see the ants rushing back home to parch their thirst. You could also decide to use a few essential oils, like eucalyptus or lavender oil. These have a strong smell that’s bound to irritate these animals’ senses, forcing them off your property.

Destroying the Ant Nest Yourself

If you’re still dealing with ants after sealing off your home, removing food sources, and using repellents, then your only choice is to destroy the ant nest. It might be hard to get yourself to kill so many ants, but there’s not much else you can do in some cases.
Destroying an ant nest is easier than you might think. All you have to do is boil some water and pour it into the anthill. The heat will be enough to kill most of the ants instantly. Yet you’ll have to repeat the process a few times if you want them gone for good.

Ant Removal

Ant removal isn’t an easy task. You may be able to do it all on your own, but it’ll suck up a lot of your time and effort. That’s why you should always consider calling a professional, as they have all the needed tools to do the job quickly and efficiently.