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How to get rid of bees?

How to get rid of bees?

Bees could infest your property and become one more problem you have to deal with. Having bees on your property is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Still, it is an unpleasant experience that you can avoid completely. When bees are on your property, occupants become at risk of bee stings.

Allergic reactions to bee stings put occupants at risk of even death. Systemic allergic reactions could cause death. To keep bees out of your property, you could make it unappealing to them. You could also get rid of bees after they’ve settled in and established a hive. This article covers how to get rid of bees after they have settled in and established a hive on your property.

Move the hive

You should resort to this method if the hive is in an area that is easily accessible and could cause a lot of trouble to you and other occupants of your property. Before moving the hive, you should confirm the feasibility of the relocation. Relocating the hive to a place that is not too far away from their current location is the best move. This way, you will be able to relocate them without troubling the bees and causing them to become aggressive. Moving hives is not a one-person job. Get suitable help and move the hive at night when the bees are most likely in the hive and will not fly out. You should also wear protective clothing to prevent stings. Be sure to seal the hive before you begin to move it. Keeping the hive low as you move it will help to prevent the bees from sensing any form of danger.

Use bee sprays

Bee sprays are available as insecticides as well as repellents. You can apply the sprays to get rid of bees on your property or simply discourage their activity. Only use insecticide bee sprays as a last resort, especially for indoor infestations. You should also confirm the legality of killing bees in your area.

You could use commercially available bee sprays or make DIY sprays. Do note that, for bee sprays to be effective, you have to spray them directly on the beehive. This means risking bee stings. Be sure to wear protective clothing and maintain the safest distance possible.

Dust insecticide

Dust insecticides are similar to spray insecticides and can be applied to kill an infesting bee colony. Apply the insecticides and seal the hive to completely kill the bees, including the immature forms of the bees. Since you have to get within a short distance of the hive to apply dust insecticides effectively, you should wear suitable protective clothing.

You should also have a suitable sealant at hand before applying the insecticide. Immediately after applying the dust insecticide, seal the hive completely, and leave the bees to die. Before applying dust insecticide, confirm that it is an acceptable and legal method of killing bees in your area. Apply as many insecticides as possible directly into the hive. You should also apply insecticides to the surrounding area of the hive, to kill any escaping bees.

Apply bee catchers

Bee catchers are suitable for when you’re not sure that the hive is resident on your property. Bee catchers are different materials and substances with which you can catch bees and remove them from your property.

You can get commercially available bee catchers. There are lethal and non-lethal bee catcher options. Apply the most suitable and effective option. You could also use DIY bee catchers to get rid of bees attracted to or residing on your property. In conclusion, we should mention that you shouldn’t try to kill a single bee. This is a bad idea because the dead bee will release pheromones that will attract other bees that will mount an aggressive defense.