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How to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard

How to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard

Mosquitoes are exactly the kinds of pests that you do not want on your property. More dangerous than they being a nuisance on your property is the fact they spread different dangerous diseases. Mosquitoes in your yard is never a good thing, and you should work to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Getting rid of mosquitoes from your yard means making it unwelcoming for them. Mosquitoes infest human environments majorly because they need to feed on human blood. Since you are essentially the source of food for the deadly insects, removing the source of food is not exactly an option. Thus, getting rid of mosquitoes in your yard involves applying any other means that will discourage their activity. We cover the specific measures for getting rid of the critters in more detail in this article.

Destroy breeding sites

The breeding sites of mosquitoes are where they lay their eggs. Mosquitoes lay their eggs on water surfaces. Any kind of standing water will do for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Removing or emptying all sources of standing water is thus very important for the control of mosquito populations in yards. When considering suitable breeding sites for mosquitoes, remember that they can apply even the most unexpected source.

Remove or empty any form of standing water, including containers, empty flower pots, and old tires. If there are sources of standing water that you cannot empty or remove, endeavor to change the water regularly, specifically weekly. Mosquitoes are in your yard because they need blood to reproduce. If you destroy possible breeding sites, you would essentially control their population and send them packing.

Mow your lawn

Mosquitoes love to hang out in areas with nesting sites. Tall grass makes good nesting sites for the critters. After biting their hosts in the period when they are most active, they seek secluded areas to rest. If your lawn is not properly kept, it may just be where they need to rest.

Mowing your lawn helps to keep mosquitoes away because they do not fly for long distances. They basically carry out all their activities within a short-range. If you do not give them a place to sleep, you will be able to get them out of your property.

Mosquitoes can establish large populations within short periods because of their fast reproduction rate. It takes one mosquito to establish a large population. This is why you should never make even a single mosquito comfortable enough to settle on your property.

Invite bats

Just like mosquitoes, bats are nuisance critters. But they eat insects, including mosquitoes, and can be applied in managing the population of mosquitoes in an area. To apply bats to strategically control the population of bats means inviting bats into the area. The goal is to keep the bats outdoors and make indoor spaces inaccessible to them.

Bats will infest an area in search of food and shelter. Since the mosquitoes are already a source of food, a bat house is great for inviting the critters into an area. Over time, the bats will feed on the mosquitoes and reduce their population significantly. The key to the successful application of bats to control mosquito populations is keeping them outdoors and applying measures to control their activities.

Halt the maturation process

You can specifically target the larvae of mosquitoes to get rid of them from an area. The larval stage is aquatic and can be found in standing water as well as secluded areas prone to flooding. By applying mosquito dunks or bits, which contain larvicides, you can kill the mosquito larvae and prevent them from developing into nuisance and dangerous adults.

Dunks can float and are best applied to water surfaces. On the other hand, bits are granules that can be applied directly on surfaces that are possible breeding sites of mosquitoes.

Keeping your yard generally clutter-free will also help to keep mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes will find a cluttered environment more appealing because of the possibility of resting and breeding sites. If you maintain an uncluttered yard, they will not want to hang out around your property.

To get rid of mosquitoes from your yard, you simply need to apply methods that will make your property unappealing.