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How to get rid of scorpions

How to Get Rid of Scorpions

Spotting a scorpion in your home can be a terrifying experience. With their large pincers, flat smooth body, and curled tail, scorpions are an intimidating creature. However, most scorpions don’t pose an immediate danger. Many scorpions aren’t venomous, and those that are often aren’t deadly. But some are venomous, and so the proper precautions should be taken.

If you feel uncomfortable dealing with a scorpion, then it is best to call a professional. They will have the required gear to remove a scorpion and can also review your home to discover what attracted the scorpion in the first place.

However, if you feel confident in getting rid of scorpions, here are some tips.

What is attracting them?

Before you can get rid of scorpions, you need to work out what is attracting them. Scorpions are nocturnal creatures, so it is unlikely they are spending the night inside your house. This means something is bringing them back to rest for the day.

Such attractants can include shelter, darkness, and moisture. This can be a pile of logs or the moisture from the bathroom. Consider where you are finding the scorpions, and then work backward. As mentioned, a professional will be helpful in this scenario.

Block up the entrances

The best way to get rid of scorpions is to prevent them from entering your home. If they can’t get in, then you no longer have a problem.

First, seal up any holes between the outside and inside. You might not think a hole is very big, but for a creature the size of a scorpion, it may be all the space they need. If you can’t fill in a hole, then consider placing mesh screens over other entranceways, such as drains or vents. You’ll also need to consider the underside of doors. The gap between the door and floor can be big enough for a scorpion to squeeze under. Therefore, attaching floor sweeps, with either bristle or rubber extensions, can prevent scorpions from sneaking underneath.

Clear the debris

If there is debris in your yard or porch, then clear it out. Stacks of firewood or bark leaning against a house can be a common attractant for scorpions. You want to remove any potential shelter so that the scorpions have nowhere to hide. A rock pile can also be an adequate shelter for a scorpion.

In addition to clearing shelter, you may also want to make sure any garbage is sufficiently distant to the house. Garbage attracts flies and flies attract spiders. Scorpions are the natural predators of spiders, and so by controlling one, you control the other.

Home remedies

There are a variety of home remedies that are reported to repel both insects and scorpions. These include:

Neem oil: This oil hormonally disrupts both insects and scorpions. Place a few drops in a spray bottle and mix with water. Then spray on the scorpion hot spots, as well as any entranceways.

Cedar oil: Cedar is a famous insect repellent. But with scorpions, it can also be deadly. Apply it via the same method as neem oil.

Diatomaceous earth: Unlike the prior two, it cannot be sprayed. Instead, sprinkle around the outside of your home and windows. It will cause the breakdown of the scorpion’s exoskeletons by dehydrating them.

Essential oils: Many essential oils, such as lavender, cinnamon, and peppermint, have also been reported as potent scorpion repellents. Once again, apply the same way you would the other two oils.


If none of these tips work, or if you prefer to leave it to someone else, then call a professional. They will have extensive experience dealing with scorpions and will be able to provide a permanent solution.