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What are the signs of a lice infestation?

What are the signs of a lice infestation?

A lice infestation doesn’t come with major complications -which is why it can be easily overlooked. However, just because these little critters don’t do much harm to their host, they can still cause endless irritation especially when it doesn’t get dealt with as soon as possible. Adult lice are able to lay about six eggs a day which hatches in a span of 2 to 3 days. It doesn’t take that long for them to grow into adults either as long as they stick to their host to feed. This makes it easy for them to cause an infestation and, therefore, make it harder to get rid of them. Although there are different types of lice, they all follow a similar life cycle wherein they lay their eggs and continuously feed on the host to grow. Some people tend to disregard the early symptoms of a lice infestation because of how simple they are, but the earlier these are identified and treated, the less likely it will be for them to spread or even come back.

crawling louse

Common Signs and Symptoms of a Lice Infestation

A few of the common symptoms one may experience when they are infested with lice are:

  •  A light ticklish sensation on the hair or body, like something is crawling on the skin.
  •  Red bumps on the head, neck, shoulders, or pubic area.
  • Sores and irritability that come from harsh scratching of areas that itch.
  • Appearance of small white oval objects on the hair, body, or pubic area.
combing hair for lice

Because of the nature of these, people tend to assume that these sensations come from common bites from other insects. While they aren’t all that different, you may be able to identify that it is a lice infestation because lice bites tend to be consistent and are felt in almost the same areas.

What to Do About Lice Infestations

To check for head lice, one of the simplest ways to do so is by identifying if there are nits through close inspection. Although nits are small, they are quite easy to differentiate. A common way to locate these pests is by using a specialized comb for lice. This is often used for the hair, wherein you would need to wet the hair before using the comb to slow down the lice from crawling. Luckily, they can only crawl which makes it rather easy to catch them when they encounter hindrances. Bright light also helps this situation because they tend to be more visible in the light.

lice in hair

If it seems hard to determine, you can get checked by a professional. Most doctors will have a light that makes the lice more visible on the skin. To treat them, you can regularly make use of a lice comb or use treatments made to kill lice. There are certain medications for this which can be bought in pharmacies. There are also natural remedies that work just as well -for example: using vinegar to get rid of crab lice, which is lice found in the pubic area.