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Guide on getting rid of lice

Guide on getting rid of lice

Having lice isn’t an easy experience. Although they don’t cause you severe physical harm, they can cause frequent irritation to the body. This is the same for lice infestations in animals. Lice infestations tend to get hard to clear mainly because of how quick they are to multiply. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s impossible. In fact, you can get rid of lice rather easily; it simply requires you a lot of patience and consistency with maintenance to keep them away. Here is a guide on how to get rid of different types of lice:

removing head lice

How to Remove Head Lice

Head lice are usually found in tight spaces of the hair such as behind the ears and close to the back of the neck. This is because they are places where a lot of heat is collected -which they would need to hatch their eggs. When locating head lice, it’s important to keep out for these parts of the hair. To get rid of head lice, a lice comb is the simplest solution. To do this, you would first need to wet the hair. This is going to slow down the head lice and prevent them from moving around too much as you comb through the hair to clear them. When the lice fall off from the hair, you can opt to put them in hot water to make the processing quicker. They don’t have the ability to swim or breathe underwater, so they are likely to die within a short span of time. There are treatment shampoos available as well made to cater to the removal of head lice. These treatments are often used consistently every 2 to 3 weeks. They are especially effective if they are used together with the lice comb.

A Guide on Clearing Body Lice

Compared to head lice, body lice don’t necessarily stick to the skin. Instead, they stick to the clothing. They are often located in the parts of clothes that are close to the skin such as the hem and other similar places. With this, they are treated and removed rather differently. Normally, improving personal hygiene can rid yourself of body lice. Other than keeping yourself clean, it includes regular cleaning and changing of used clothing -especially when the clothing has been used for rather long periods of time without getting cleaned. With cleaning clothing, it is also important to regularly clean and disinfect bedding and towels to make sure there are no remnants of the lice. As much as possible, these should be disinfected in hot water and dried with hot air. There are also medications available to kill body lice, but these don’t necessarily treat body lice infestations. Effective results are likely to come from better personal hygiene and regular cleaning of what you use.

bird nest

Getting Rid of Bird Lice

Despite not having “hair”, birds can also get lice. Bird lice are, in fact, a rather common parasite found in different bird species. When they get lice infestations, one can easily tell that they are infested mainly because they display obvious discomfort. Some of these include being agitated along with frequent scratching or preening. Bird lice tend to feed off the dead skin or feathers of birds, which explains why birds infested with lice get damaged feathers. To treat this, be sure to remove the materials the bird used for nesting. Most bird lice will be found there if not on the bird itself. Bird lice tend to remain in the nest after the bird leaves to wait for new hosts to feed off. Thoroughly cleaning your bird’s space and items is one way to clear it from lice. Strong cleaning solutions work along with boiling of the bird’s items. Clean the area surrounding their space as well, this way you can clear the possibility of the lice traveling. Take the bird to get checked by a professional to get them treated. While there are ways to do this yourself, it is better to have an expert do this to avoid misuse of the treatment. It keeps both you and the bird safe.