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How to get rid of bird mites?

How to get rid of bird mites?

While bird mites don’t target people directly, they can still cause some problems. When they run out of birds to feed on, these desperate creatures will feed on people until they can find another bird. These bites aren’t particularly dangerous, but they can cause a lot of discomfort. You can recognize these bites by the small red bumps they leave behind, and the itchiness you’ll feel on your skin.

If you’re dealing with these problems and have bird mites, then you should follow these steps to remove them and return back to your comfortable life.

Step One: Identify the Problem

It’s easy to jump to conclusions and to claim that you have bird mites, especially if you have the symptoms mentioned above. The problem is that these symptoms aren’t unique to bird mites, and you can see similar symptoms from bedbugs, gnats, and other pests.

So, it’s important to identify the mites first because these methods won’t work on other pests. Meaning you could end up wasting a lot of time and money for nothing.

Step Two: Remove the Source of the Problem

Bird mites feed on pigeons, sparrows, and other birds, so you’ll often find these small arachnids in their nests. That’s why you should search the perimeter of your home for bird nests, and remove them while wearing gloves.

Wild bird nests aren’t the only source of the problem though, as your pet birds can also host these eight-legged pests. Make sure to clean your pet and disinfect the area they live in, as it will help kill off those pesky mites.

Step Three: Clean and Disinfect Your Home

Just because you’ve removed the source of the problem doesn’t mean the mites are gone for good. In fact, these mites can still live in your home for several months. During this time, they’ll be able to bite you and keep reproducing. That’s why you should spend some time cleaning and disinfecting your home to kill any remaining bird mites.

Start by vacuuming your home. The more frequently you do it, the better.

You should then clean and dry any carpets, bedding, clothes, or other fabrics in your home. Mites love living in these things, so washing them will help kill off the pests.

Step Four: Take Preventative Measures

Even with the bird mites gone, you’re going to want to do a few extra things to make sure they never trouble you again.

You can start by fixing up the exterior of your home. This means repairing any broken tiles on your roof and filling in any holes in your walls. This prevents birds from getting inside your home and spreading the mites.

Step Five: Call in the Professionals

If you’ve tried everything and the problem still isn’t fixed, then you should call a professional pest control company. These experts know exactly what they’re doing, and they’ll have all the experience and equipment to remove the bird mites quickly.