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How to get rid of mites?

How to get rid of mites?

Whether you’re waking up in the middle of the night because of how itchy you feel, or because your skin is full of painful blisters, you’re going to want to get rid of the mites who are ruining your life.

This can be a challenge for most people, as mites are hard to see and multiply rapidly. Yet by following these simple steps, you’ll be one step closer to getting rid of these pests and returning back to a more comfortable life.

Ensure You’re Dealing with Mites

Before you start following these steps, it’s important to make sure that you’re actually dealing with mites. These pests have a lot of the same symptoms that bed bugs or fleas have, so you should consult an expert or show a bite to a doctor to make sure that you’re dealing with the right pest.

Otherwise, you’d be spending a lot of time and effort without solving anything.

Remove Clutter

Removing mites is a lot like preventing mites, and it starts by decluttering your home and removing unnecessary items. This accomplishes two main goals and helps you remove the mites bothering you.

The first is that it takes away the mite’s and other wildlife’s habitat, so mites can’t get into your home, and wildlife carrying mites can’t enter either. This is great in halting the mite infestation, but it doesn’t do much to actually get rid of them.

The second is that it helps expose mite sources, and helps you find out where they are. That way you’ll have an easier time removing them, and you can get rid of them much faster.

Clean and Vacuum

Once you’ve removed all the clutter around your house, you’ll have an easier time cleaning and vacuuming your home. This step should be repeated as frequently as possible, as it helps in both the prevention and the removal of mites.

Vacuuming helps get rid of a lot of the dust and dirt that common mites feed on. While cleaning helps kill them off.

It’s recommended that you clean all your clothes and bedding in hot water when you try to remove mites. That’s because the heat helps kill off these pests. Drying these items with high heat is another great step to take.

Reduce Humidity

Mites are so small that they rely on the air around them to stay hydrated. That’s because they don’t drink like we do and instead absorb the air’s moisture through their skin.

This means that mites heavily rely on humidity and that they can’t survive in places that aren’t humid. You can leverage this to your advantage by installing a dehumidifier, using air conditioning, and ventilating your home by opening doors and windows.

Use Insecticides

Removing clutter, cleaning your home, and reducing humidity are great first steps. Yet they don’t work fast, and they can’t remove a serious mite infestation. In these cases, you’ll need to use insecticides to quickly kill off these pests.

There are a lot of great insecticides that are publicly available, and you can choose any one of them for the job. Just make sure to consult someone familiar with the insecticides being sold in your area, as this will help you pick out the best one for removing mites.

Once you have the insecticide, you can go around your home and spray it on all the infected surfaces. This is significantly sped up by all the decluttering you did before, so your home will be mite-free in no time.

Introduce Spiders and Freeze Things

These are two ways of killing mites, but they aren’t all that practical, so use them at your own discretion.

You could introduce spiders to your home if you aren’t afraid of them, as spiders will naturally prey on mites.

You could also freeze any infected items, as the cold temperature will kill off mites.

Call a Professional

If you’ve reduced your home’s clutter, cleaned and vacuumed it nonstop, reduced the humidity, and even used insecticides but still can’t seem to get rid of the mites, you should call a professional. Pest control operators will have lots of experience removing mites, so they’ll quickly remove the pests and fix your problem. They’re so great that you can even avoid all the difficulty, to begin with, and can just call a professional from the get-go.