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How to get rid of flies around my home?

How to get rid of flies around my home?

Houseflies can be found in almost any area. They like to land on feces, rotting organic material, and garbage. When they land, the female likes to lay her eggs on these materials. While one fly or a few may not be a huge concern to you now, you should know that they do carry some major diseases with them and these diseases can be transmitted over to you. If they are carrying bacteria and diseases, they do pose a threat to your health. Some diseases that could be carried by a fly include:

  •  Food poisoning
  • Eye infections
  • E. coli
  • Cholera
  • Dysentery
  • Tuberculosis

Natural ways to get rid of flies

In order to get rid of a fly, you can use some of these natural solutions:

Flowers and herbs

Plant a variety of basil, marigold, lavender, catnip, and bay leaves around your home to discourage flies from entering your home.


Vinegar has so many uses and now you can add it to the list of fly solutions. To use, place apple cider vinegar into some dish soap and pour into a glass. Cover the top of the glass with plastic wrap and place a rubber band around the outside of the glass to secure the plastic wrap. Poke tiny holes inside the top that is large enough for the fly to go into.  The vinegar will attract the fly and out of curiosity, they will go down into the glass to see what is smelling good and then not be able to get back out.

magnified fly

Water and cayenne pepper

Mix cayenne pepper in some water inside of a spray bottle and spray around your home or in an area where you see flies. The flies will not be back.

Venus Flytrap

A natural carnivorous plant like the Venus Flytrap spends its day waiting for flies to land on it so they can eat. Once the fly lands in the trap, the plant closes around the fly. It will then secrete a digestive fluid to help dissolve the inside of the fly. It will break down the fly’s body within a few days and then spit out the exoskeleton.

Using natural bait to trap a fly

Sometimes all you need is something that smells sweet to bring them in and trap them. Use fresh fruits, sugar, molasses, meat, or wine. Once your fly infestation is gone, be sure to clean up the area where the flies were so it doesn’t attract any more flies. You may need to use a combination of all of these fly solutions to get rid of your flies once and for all.  If all these natural ways do not help you get rid of your fly problem, consider going to the home improvement store and get a couple of fly catchers that will do just about the same thing as what is mentioned above but it will work a little quicker because they use chemicals. 

venus flytrap

If the flies have an opportunity to lay eggs during the short time they are there bothering you, this will be another invasion that you will need to worry about once the larvae emerge from the material they were planted on. If the fly infestation gets too overwhelming, you may want to hire a professional to come in and take care of it for you. Within a short period of time, the flies will be gone and you won’t see them gathered up near the window where the light is.