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Where do cockroaches reside?

Where do cockroaches reside?

Spotting cockroaches is nothing short of a nightmare. If you have seen them around a couple of times and wondered where cockroaches live, then you have come to the right place. There is no one specific answer as to where cockroaches live since their habitat varies according to their species. Although there are over 3,000 species of cockroaches, 3 are the most common to be spotted in or around your property: 
1.     German cockroach
2.     American cockroach
3.     Oriental cockroach
Now, let us look at the different places where each of these cockroaches hide.

American cockroach on the ground

German Cockroach

It is also called Blattella germanica. Now, this species of cockroach thrives indoors and prefers hiding inside the house rather than outside. When these cockroaches find their way inside, they then look for humid and warm places where they can hide and live. Warm and humid places can easily be found inside your homes such as in the kitchen or under the sink in the washroom. However, do not think that they will limit themselves to places that are humid as if they find plentiful sources of food in a moist place, they will move there.

cockroaches inside house

American Cockroach

They are also called Periplaneta Americana. Unlike the German cockroaches, American cockroaches prefer outdoors. The reason for this preference is because they like warm and moist environments and they can find it outside the house. They reside in places such as around the drains, on trees, near woodpiles, in sewage systems, and even in garbage cans. Just like the German cockroaches, these cockroaches are not limited to the outdoors either. This means that even though they massively prefer harboring outside your house if the situation is threatening or lacks in resources, they can step into your homes and start living there. These cockroaches can be found in your home in places such as the basement, kitchen, bathrooms, and even the garage. These are the areas where they reside most of the time because of their preferred living surroundings.

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches are also called Blatta orientalis. These cockroaches are very similar to American cockroaches when it comes to their living preferences. They too prefer living outdoors because that is where they thrive the most. Oriental cockroaches tend to live in places that lack light and are cold such as under large rocks and stones, mulch pits, or even hiding under a pile of leaves. They just prefer places that are dark and can hide their presence easily. They can wander inside your property if the surrounding environment outside becomes inhospitable. Once they enter your home, they tend to reside in places like under the porch or small dark places like inside the wall. Other than this, some fewer common places for them to reside include inside storm drains, inside basements, or even in sewers.  Cockroaches are not the cleanest pest and neither do they procreate slowly. If anytime you spot a cockroach inside or outside your property, take necessary measures to avoid an infestation.