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Will a cockroach bite me?

Will a cockroach bite me?

Cockroaches are those creepy crawlies that no one likes to see. It does not help that they crawl their way into almost any area they come across. You must have spotted them at least once in your life. It is very natural to see a cockroach and wonder if these insects can bite you. Truth be told, yes, they can.

holding giant cockroach

Why do cockroaches bite?

Bites from cockroaches is not a frequent occurrence. It is very uncommon for cockroaches to bite people. Cockroaches do not ever bite people for survival or livelihood. The main reason why a cockroach would bite you is if they find themselves in extreme conditions and think of this as a means of getting through. Now, the likelihood of a cockroach biting you will also depend on the species. The chances of a German Cockroach biting a human are fairly low. On the other hand, if we look at the American and Australian Cockroaches, the chances of a cockroach bite from them go up.

giant cockroach

Where do cockroaches bite?

Cockroaches like most animals are nocturnal; this means they leave their hiding place at night to search for food. This is the reason why most bites occur during the night. There are a few common places where cockroaches bite such as:
1.     Mouth
2.     Face
3.     Fingers
4.     Hands

Identification of a cockroach bite

When people see a bite on their body, they are quick to assume it is from a cockroach if they had spotted it earlier. In reality, the bite from a cockroach can look very familiar to that of any other insect. Sometimes, what you may think of a bite is just an allergic reaction from the passing of a cockroach. So, in case you need to identify and see if your bite is from a cockroach, here are a few key points that may help you. 
·      A bite from a cockroach looks very similar to that of a bed bug only larger. The bite is bright red with a width of 1-4mm. 
·      The bright red area is most likely to swell. It might also feel itchy. An uncommon but pus- filled bite can also occur. 
·      There is only going to be one cockroach bite in a single occurrence. This is different from insects such as bed bites that bite in a line.
·      The bite can last anywhere from a few days up to a week.

If you spot a bite on your body, do not scratch it, rather, wash it with soap. You can even use a cold compress to alleviate pain and swelling. In case, it does not get better, you should consult a doctor.