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Do flies bite?

Do Flies Bite?

When you are outdoors and you get a bite, you may be wondering what type of bite it is. There are normally several different types of insects buzzing around you that you don’t see and some that you do. Many times, it’s a fly that bites you if you are outside during the daytime. This article will help you determine if flies bite and if so, how to determine the different types of fly bites there are. Flies do bite and normally it is because they feed off of blood whether it is a human or an animal. Some flies are also capable of infecting a human or an animal with a disease that they transmitted from their previous victim.

Horse Fly

A horse fly is rather large in size when compared to other types of flies. When a horse fly bites, you can normally feel it right away. The skin around the bite area will start to swell and you will feel the pain from the bite, which is typically more painful than any other type of fly bite.

Deer Fly

A deer fly is smaller than a normal house fly. They come out in the springtime before it gets too hot and they feature a mouthpart that operates a lot like scissors. The mouth design is like that in order to open the skin. Because of the scissor-like mouth, these bites can be painful.

dead flies

Black Fly

The typical black fly can be found close to water most of the time because they love moist areas. The black fly makes their home in just about anywhere in the United States. When they bite, the skin may feel a little agitated but it is normally not as painful as a horse fly bite.

house fly pupa

Stable Fly

These flies like to come out when it’s hot; late summer to early fall. They bite and feed off of livestock but they look a lot like a house fly. The mouth of a stable fly is pointed in order to suck blood from the livestock.

Snipe Fly

A snipe fly resembles a deer fly and they like to live where it’s damp, such as in the forest. Most of the snipe flies do not bite.

Sand Fly

Sand flies typically search for reptiles and mammals to bite. Sand flies are small in size with the typical adult fly measuring less than 1/8-inch long. They feature long legs and long wings that form a V-shape on their back when spread up. When a sand fly bites, it can be painful.

Yellow Fly

Yellow flies are found mainly in the southeastern parts of the United States. They thrive better in shaded areas around forests and water. When a yellow fly bites, it can start to swell around the bite and begin to itch. Fly bites are typically harmless even though you may experience some pain immediately
afterwards. However, they can trigger some forms of allergies to begin. There is also the chance that a fly that is infected with a disease can carry it with their next bite. Livestock can become ill when flies begin to swarm in large numbers and consistently feed off of their blood.

Get Rid of Flies

The sooner you take control of your area, the better you will be. The best way is to eliminate the flies all together so they don’t come around and bite. Remove dark damp areas around your property and keep an eye on your livestock. Your local farm supply store will have some good ideas to help your livestock deal with biting flies.