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Why are flies attracted to my property?

Why are flies attracted to my property?

Flies like the warm weather so it’s common to see them flying around during the latter part of spring, throughout the summer, and the early part of fall. They fly around during this time because that is when smells tend to become more powerful. If you have noticed a swarm of flies or more than usual amounts of flies on your property, keep reading to learn why there are so many and how you can get rid of them.

fly on leaf

Inside Your Home

You may not smell anything but flies can smell certain odors from far away and follow the smell right to the culprit. Common smells that attract flies include:
*decaying fruit
*rotting meat
*drains inside the home
*trash that does not have a cover on it
*goo that lays in the bottom of drains 
Once flies find a moist climate, they will then lay eggs that can hatch as early as twenty-four hours. It doesn’t take long before it becomes overwhelming and you have a fly problem inside the home.


There are many different reasons for a fly to be outside of your home. If you run a farm, the mere smell of horse and cow manure can bring them in quickly, especially if allowed to sit outside in the sun. They also like to aggravate livestock during the day too.  Another reason for flies outdoors is when they smell something sweet, such as fruit and vegetables rotting in the garden. Once the rotting starts, and the weather conditions are right, it doesn’t take long for the flies to find it and feast on it. Flies also like it when they smell food from a picnic. The sweet smells of vegetables and fruits and the aroma of meats can bring the flies to the party quickly. In fact, a small swarm of flies can ruin a picnic as the guests start to arrive and see uncovered foods left out on the table.

decaying apple

Preventing Flies

When you are faced with a fly issue, you need to take care of it as quickly as possible so they don’t become overwhelming to you. Here are a few tips to help:

Tip #1:

Once you determine what is attracting the flies, you can make a few modifications in order to get rid of them and keep them out. Simple tips such as taking out the trash from your home and placing it in a container with a lid on it until it’s picked up can help a lot.

Tip #2:

Frequently flush out drains so the smells do not linger in them. Use baking soda and vinegar on occasion to keep pipes flowing smooth and lemon juice to help remove gunk left in the curves of the pipe.


Tip #3:

If you have pets inside your home, keep the feces picked up to ensure that the flies don’t smell it and invite themselves in. Use a neutralizer on the areas where the feces sat so you can eliminate deep down odors as well.

Tip #4:

If you have animals in closed quarters, you may want to schedule a day that you can clean the manure out of the areas where they tend to stand around in the most. Remove the manure away from the area where the flies won’t land on them.

Tip #5:

If you are having a picnic, you need to make sure that everything is covered up at all times, including the meat that has not been prepared.

Using these simple tips will help keep the number of flies down so they won’t swarm around on your property. After the temperatures start to cool, you won’t have them to worry about for another six months.